Thanks for your prayers and support for Prison Mission Association to enable us to reach prisoners for Christ! Here is another short testimonial:

Hello everyone at Prison Mission Association. I just want to tell you how happy I am that you are involved in my walk and growth in the knowledge of the Scriptures and getting to know our Lord as He knows me. Thank you all for the moral support and help in my learning and becoming a better person. I hope that one day I can become as similar to Jesus Christ. I know that it is a long shot and a lifelong commitment. God knows I am working really hard and doing my best to let Him make the changes that I need to make in my person and lifestyle. It will be a lot easier with Him and all of you surrounding me.

I am hoping to become a small light of His in this world of imprisonment where the enemy uses all of his tricks to deceive those who are small or weak of spirit. Thanks to His armor of salvation and brothers and sisters like you who support us, we can climb and move mountains ahead of us.

Sincerely yours, Jose D.

(Jose also wrote a praise worship song in both Spanish and English but we are not able to include it here due to lack of space).

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